From sickness, health
From sickness can come health. Dire though this morning feels as I start a new day knowing that Trump is president of the USA, from this pain we must find hope.
Neither candidate touched, with any significance, the root causes of the anger and disappointment that has installed Trump in the White House. The dream that it’s possible to make the US ‘great’ again by closing its borders and ramping the economy further, with plans built on sand.
As a species, we’re carelessly on course for a 3c rise in global temperatures and to lose 1/3rd of our remaining wildlife whilst trying to cope with demands of soil, water and resource depletion in the face of increasing affluence and an ageing western population. We cannot continue to grow the global economy infinitely, no matter how much we might want.
To make America, and the world, safe again, let alone great, we must build on the continuing positive direction of travel of literacy, poverty and health and take personal responsibility for doing everything that we can to nudge the world in this direction, wherever we live.
Casting a vote is one thing. Acting every day as though we believe our efforts count is another. That, friends worldwide, is what we must do now, using love, rather than hate to light our way forward.